About COventures
Traditionally, 70-90% of startups fail within a few years of launch for myriad reasons. Luckily, this truth is rapidly eroding due to the collision of innovative technologies, evolving markets and new strategies. In the preceding era, startups deemed most likely to be explosively profitable (aka “unicorns“) might have obtained vital top-tier development support and costly seed funding administered primarily from the coasts. In the exponential era of today, however, Open Source economics, the Gig Economy, and the Crowdfunding movement empower ventures, previously deemed unworthy by flawed or arbitrary values, to compete from nearly anywhere.
Raised in the Midwest and tempered on the coasts, and with over 25 years in Education Technology, Venture Development, and Community Building, for the first time the alignment of enabling technologies and democratizing trends in alternative finance and regulations allows COventures (a 501c4 non-profit organization) to provide solutions validating our belief that our fields are better tilled by plow horses than unicorns – because we all need to eat (-:=
A new model development partner, COventures practices the same LEAN methodologies we impart, keeping our operations nimble and our overhead low, all enabling us to serve stakeholders in any community in ways that float all boats together as tides rise.
Scott E McIntyre
Scott E. is a lifelong entrepreneur, avid technologist, tireless volunteer, and family man. He is COventures founder, chief architect and executive director. Scott’s brief bio is here, and his full profile can be found on LinkedIn

Scott A Jenkins
Scott A. is a versatile and accomplished programmer and adventurer and serves as our IT Director. Visit Scott A. on LinkedIn here